Sunday, July 12, 2009

wake up, sleepy!

I ought to die.

Three days ago, I did this criminal act of falling asleep in the middle of a class. I know this post might sound so exaggerated, worse yet pointless, but really! –sleeping in class, for me, is dishonorable, and rude, and tactless, and I swear to the tortoise in Galapagos that I didn’t do it on purpose. It’s just that I didn’t sleep at all the night before hence when I came to class that day, I friggin’ looked like Frankenstein’s long lost daughter, devoid of life, and blood, and sleep, and gorgeousness. Half of me was struggling to keep my eyes open, while the other half was tempting me to slouch somewhere, anywhere –so I could just sleep, if not die a temporary death (temporary because I expected I should be back on my feet the next day, fully-charged).

It happened in my Psychology class. Our lesson was on Multiple Personality Disorder; since our professor was feeling a little under the weather that day, she decided to just put on a documentary rather than conduct the usual teacher-in-front lecture setup. I was listening attentively at first; I really was! I could even tell you that a younger Sally Field was mentioned in passing as she played Sybil, the girl with MPD. Then thirty minutes later, at around 12 noon, while the tape was still playing, our professor left the room. My eyes were already drooping that time and no amount of self-pinching would shake off my drowsiness. Hence I closed my eyes with a promise to myself that I would readily open them again the minute the professor walked back in to the room. The only problem was when I opened them again, to my horror, it was already 12:55! TWELVE FIFTY FIVE!!! Fuck the stupid, useless, good-for-nothing clock. Only five more minutes left before dismissal. To add to my embarrassment, I saw my prof looking at me from the front and I just knew that she knew that I knew that I slept on her! Dear me, it was so embarrassing I wanted to jump out of the window, if only it wasn’t barred. I slept on a professor, holy crap! –a professor who teaches capably and one with an MA and a PhD to go with it. No decent soul sleeps on a professor with such powerful titles. People like them just don’t spend half of their lives studying only to be slept on by their students.

I am horrible.
I am mean.
I am rude.
I am appalling.
I am nasty.
I am disrespectful.
I am bad-mannered.
I am crude.
I am tacky.
I am disappointing.

I was sleepy.
I slept.
I did not mean to.

I am sorry. :(

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