Sunday, August 31, 2008

Things I want gone…

Telephone directories. Personal information such as contact numbers shouldn’t be publicly given like that. We run the risk of being called at home by some rude-assfaced- barbaric-good-for-nothing idiots who expect to find the loves of their lives thru that tiny device of electric signals we call telephone. So corny, yuckkkk. Others even have the audacity to call you names when you hang up on them. Ugh. Jerks.

Globe Unlimited Texting. It only encourages all those persistent-nonsensical-annoying chain and group messages which I LOATHE so much. I want them to STOP, seriously. Some of my contacts were being way too LITERAL of this unli text service by doing exactly what the service suggested – UNLIMITED texting. And I have to suffer here because I’m the miserable recipient who has to endure their never-ending – good morning, good afternoon, good night, hi, hello, what’s up, among other superfluous details of their lives which I don’t give a flying fart. Some of them I don’t even know at all (they just got my number from who knows where and who knows who) so I don’t see why they should not spare me the gaudy details of their everyday existence when we barely know each other.

People who steal things. They all should be banished from the face of the Earth. They’re nothing but self-centered-inconsiderate-foul-sinful-loathsome creatures who never look back nor feel guilty about the things they take so long as their personal satisfactions are solved. Scumbags. They don’t care if their victim winds up feeling wretched and terrible for a loss of something necessary, like my mobile phone? Never mind the victim who is left in another unpleasant situation where she has to confess to her parents that she indeed lost the phone. :[

Monday, August 25, 2008


I wasn’t really planning on posting anything here today but then just a couple of minutes ago (during one of 24 Oras' breaks) I saw my professor’s tv commercial and I was wholly overjoyed by the whole thing, haha! Too bad I was alone in the room when I saw it otherwise I would have boasted to all my housemates that “that’s my professor! that’s my professor!” on television, bwahahaha.
(You should know that I'm a terrible creature with a terrible tendency to brag, bite me) ^_^

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Chipmunk audition‏

I'm posting this because I thought it was unbelievably funny. So now (for my effort not to be wasted), you HAVE TO watch it as well.

As a matter of fact, I'm ORDERING you to watch it.

And because I found it funny, you HAVE TO find it funny, too.

And since I laughed, then so MUST you :]

[Bossiness is the best policy, hahaha]

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I have an incredibly gigantic problem :S

But that's the most I could disclose. For now.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I had a bad bream last night. (‘kay, that was a pathetic opening sentence, but whatever, that’s what happened so take it as it is)
It’s about my copy of the penman’s novel, Soledad’s Sister. In the dream, some soulless-sadistic- son of a b-word managed to get a hold of my copy of SS only to tear down the cover and the title page. . !

lhjhkkbnfyiuikducpkjdhkcscjbcksjdkj! How's that for a murderer.

I’ve been very protective of that book ever since I bought my copy last month, heck I even attended the book launch. So as expected, when I found the book lying on my room floor in a state of complete libricidal damage, hell hath no fury, but more than that I was reduced into a pitiful, gibbering, sobbing mess. So serious I had to wake up wet with real tears.

And I never knew I could love a book this much.


My own, my love, my own, my... preccciouss...

Monday, August 18, 2008

walis, walis

It’s not an everyday thing that my mood gets set in the “diligent house elf mode” a.k.a. house clean up operation. So imagine the delight of my housemates when they found out this morning that I had every intention of tidying up my own room for the first time in weeks (or months?). With their eyebrows raised and mouths agape, I almost called out their exaggeratedly surprised reaction as rudeness. Why wouldn’t I, it’s like them saying to my face that my laziness was a hopeless case, hmp. They were so stunned, they might as well order for angels in white lacy dresses, floating in midair with trumpets in hand, singing hallelujah and there they’d have their syrupy-much-awaited-life-changing-miracle.

But alas, their happiness for my newfound diligence turned out to be short lived because of an untimely sarcasm that had me flaring up and doing a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree about face.

Annel: Ate Emma, asan walis naten?

Housemate a.k.a Ate Emma: Aba ewan ko. Itanong mo sa kapitbahay naten baka alam nila.


That’s it and I ran back to my computer, forgetting about the walis and the cleaning all together.

Friday, August 15, 2008

day, day, day, day

today's Friday

tomorrow's Saturday

day after tomorrow's Sunday

next day after the day after tomorrow's Monday

next day after the next day after the day after tomorrow's Tuesday


I won't have any classes tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the next day after the day after tomorrow and the next day after the next day after the day after tomorrow, ahihihi :]

Long weekend finally, yay!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

On the brink of mental collapse

Information overload.

Too much memorization…numbers, names, places, grammatical genders.

She’s losing it so she better pass the damn test, or else…

Monday, August 11, 2008

Spoilers ahead‏

So, I stayed true to my words and I really did prioritize BD over my exams, (some student I am, I know! crucify me) I finished it Thursday and I must admit that I had a tough time digesting everything that had happened, which was why it took me days before I finally had the coolness to react.

Here’s the deal, I’m a very sensitive, immature reader, and I have beliefs and issues of my own that if, in any case, they happen to oppose the canon of a book I’m reading, I wouldn’t hesitate to put it down and happily leap to another. Then, BD happened, and snap, we’re polar opposites. Twice it made me feel like quitting.

By the end of BOOK 1, with Bella getting pregnant, I was dangerously near to closing the book (if not for my recollection of the blood and sweat a.k.a savings sacrificed just to have a pre-ordered copy). I guessed it’s just me, but having a similar age as Bella, the thought of myself being a mother at this young point didn’t sit quite well with me. Meh. Teenage pregnancy freaks the shit out of me.

Then, when BOOK 2 ended, all I wanted to do was to cry in frustration. It threw me off. (once more, it was the recollection of the blood and sweat a.k.a savings sacrificed just to have a pre-ordered copy that had me going on) I thought Jacob imprinting on Bella’s daughter was the most unfunny joke ever. Again, maybe it’s just me…but Jacob and Bella had a “thing” before. I simply couldn’t ignore the fact that at some point in their past, their relationship transcended friendship, regardless of how much Bella tried to deny it. If you’d ask me, I even thought it went a little bit out of hand when she had to cling and cry so desperately and openly to Edward over another man a.k.a Jacob towards the end of Eclipse. (which I hated her for that btw. stupid, insensitive Bella, hurting Edward like that) So having said that, Jacob moving on from mother to daughter just didn’t seem…tolerable for me. Un-stomach-able to be honest. I was rather waiting for grander actions to happen that would give the Jacob-Bella-Edward love triangle the right ending it deserved (without the interference of imprinting). Honestly, I felt like Jacob was cheated on his real feelings. Had it not been for the imprinting, he would still be in love with Bella, not Nessie.

There, those two were mainly my concerns.


in spite of them, I actually did enjoy the book. Not all the time but it's still there. I don’t know why but maybe it’s my love of the series as a whole more than anything. This series had grown on me. Stephenie Meyer may not be a C.S. Lewis or a J.K Rowling but she has her own way with words. Sure I got frustrated in some parts but that doesn’t change the fact that the author has this thing in her (maybe it’s a vampy or wolfy thing, perhaps both :P) that had me glued to the series in the first place. So, all things considered, it was nevertheless a pleasurable read. I had nothing against how things turned out in the end. I was genuinely satisfied that although it didn't end up having a huge, drawn out battle of bloodshed (not that I wanted that), SM still was able to evoke the appropriate emotions out me: excitement, anxiety, humor and romance all combined. The way I cringed on my seat, wanted to fast forward the pages and worried over my favorite characters, for me, that's climactic enough. So...when everything pieced was lovely.

Besides, happy endings are still healthy once in a while,
oui? Oui.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

(s)mall observation

The most shameless thing to do while inside the mall “shopping” is to try on every item you can, exhaust the clerk to the point of paralysis by asking different sizes and different colors and different styles of that particular item (in this case, the clerk still has to do a circumferential detour all through the whole mall before getting to the stock room).

Then when you finally have this item with you, you check and inspect and examine it without giving a damn about the time or somehow the least bit of consideration that you might not be the only customer that needs attending. So, after ten years of your scrutiny and the clerk, at last, asks you so kindly if you are going to buy that thing, what you do is to smile your sweetest yet fakest, and with the most sugary, syrupy, patronizing konyo voice you can muster, you say, “No, thank you, it’s not that good.” while you stalk on your heels, stomach in, bulging chest out, full-of-yourself flair of the hair, without so much as a second glance as if you are the most majestic, important, perfect life form to grace the face of the earth.


Thursday, August 7, 2008

Ça va? Sabaw!‏

Sabaw ang exam. Ang exam ay sabaw.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

stupid dates

Of all the rotten luck. Midterm examinations had to coincide with the release of Breaking Dawn.

However, I'm afraid that it's a matter of sanity and insanity if I do or don't get to read Breaking Dawn, stat.

So for the sake of that said saneness or whatever that's still left of it, BD should really have to come first before study or anything else for that matter.

Unless you are my parent and you are reading this right now, then of course midterm is the priority!

I couldn't possibly condone myself to academic negligence. Nope.

[Yeah right.]

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Seven deadly sins (accdg to wiki)

Gluttony (Latin, gula)

Derived from the Latin gluttire, meaning to gulp down or swallow, gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste.

Lust (Latin, luxuria)
Lust (or lechery) is usually thought of as involving obsessive or excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature.

Greed (Latin, avaritia)

Greed (or avarice, covetousness) is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. However, greed is applied to the acquisition of wealth in particular.

Wrath (Latin, ira)
Wrath (or anger) may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger, generally wishing to do evil or harm to others.

Sloth (Latin, acedia)
Portrayed as a sin of laziness or indifference, of an unwillingness to act, an unwillingness to care.

Envy (Latin, invidia)
Like greed, envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.

Pride (Latin, superbia)
It is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and indeed the ultimate source from which the others arise. It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others, failing to give compliments to others though they may be deserving of them.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

From V to L

I just got done reading Virginia Woolf’s Between the Acts. I loved it. I admired the story’s play within a play concept, non fiction and fiction. The drama of the real-life audience in Pointz Hall and the drama of the stage artists of the play were both equally absorbing and intriguing.

A while ago I was surfing the net for a little bit of the author’s background. Before I read this novel, all I knew of Woolf was that she committed suicide. But after some browsing, I learned a handful of things that had my ears perking up in curiosity. Like I never would have suspected that she was sexually abused by her half brothers…Then there’s the Hogarth Press and Bloomsbury Group among others. But if truth were told, it’s actually the suicide note for the husband that did it for me:

'Dearest, I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier till this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that - everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer.
I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been.

Naturally, I was intrigued. I wanted to learn more of the writer’s existence. Seriously, (so far) she’s the only person I know who could make a suicide note sound so romantic…and angsty at the same time, though if you’d think about it angsty was already a given since she’s then heading for suicide, right? So yeah, there’s supposed to be angst there somewhere. At any rate, I read more and found some titles of biographical works about her done by numerous authors of different decades after her death. They were all seemingly appealing so I had that recognizable urge to go buy all of them at once and start a reading marathon. But damn that reality check for bursting my ImSoFuckingFilthyRichIcanhaveEverythingIwant-bubble. I just bought four books last week so I’m pretty much broke for the moment. Nevertheless, I vowed to buy and read at least one of those biographies sometime in the hopefully not-so-far future, or at least see the university library to try if they have the book I need somewhere on its grimy old shelves, hiding.