Saturday, November 15, 2008

"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them."

Oh dear, what a lot I have got to read.

So many books, so little time.

Life is piling up so fast that I don’t even have a minute to catch up with my reading.
Those books I hoarded before the sem break, two-thirds of them still remain untouched.


That’s not all. Only two days ago, I bought two more to add to my stockpile: The Little Prince, which I already read centuries ago, I just wanted one for collection’s sake; and A Writer’s Diary, which is like my Bible at the moment. :p

If Bilbo Baggins had his precious ring to obsess with, then I have Mrs. Woolf’s diary to die for.
Bloody hell, how I worship Virginia Woolf, haha! So much, that up 'til now, I am still regally irked at my classmate, who, by some stroke of luck, got V first for her reporting, hence I ended up stuck with Jane Austen. wth.

And, how was it possible that it was just barely a week ago when the new semester began, yet, even so, it already seemed hopeless for me to escape this life-sucking hole that is college. Unbelievable. O_O

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