Monday, August 11, 2008

Spoilers ahead‏

So, I stayed true to my words and I really did prioritize BD over my exams, (some student I am, I know! crucify me) I finished it Thursday and I must admit that I had a tough time digesting everything that had happened, which was why it took me days before I finally had the coolness to react.

Here’s the deal, I’m a very sensitive, immature reader, and I have beliefs and issues of my own that if, in any case, they happen to oppose the canon of a book I’m reading, I wouldn’t hesitate to put it down and happily leap to another. Then, BD happened, and snap, we’re polar opposites. Twice it made me feel like quitting.

By the end of BOOK 1, with Bella getting pregnant, I was dangerously near to closing the book (if not for my recollection of the blood and sweat a.k.a savings sacrificed just to have a pre-ordered copy). I guessed it’s just me, but having a similar age as Bella, the thought of myself being a mother at this young point didn’t sit quite well with me. Meh. Teenage pregnancy freaks the shit out of me.

Then, when BOOK 2 ended, all I wanted to do was to cry in frustration. It threw me off. (once more, it was the recollection of the blood and sweat a.k.a savings sacrificed just to have a pre-ordered copy that had me going on) I thought Jacob imprinting on Bella’s daughter was the most unfunny joke ever. Again, maybe it’s just me…but Jacob and Bella had a “thing” before. I simply couldn’t ignore the fact that at some point in their past, their relationship transcended friendship, regardless of how much Bella tried to deny it. If you’d ask me, I even thought it went a little bit out of hand when she had to cling and cry so desperately and openly to Edward over another man a.k.a Jacob towards the end of Eclipse. (which I hated her for that btw. stupid, insensitive Bella, hurting Edward like that) So having said that, Jacob moving on from mother to daughter just didn’t seem…tolerable for me. Un-stomach-able to be honest. I was rather waiting for grander actions to happen that would give the Jacob-Bella-Edward love triangle the right ending it deserved (without the interference of imprinting). Honestly, I felt like Jacob was cheated on his real feelings. Had it not been for the imprinting, he would still be in love with Bella, not Nessie.

There, those two were mainly my concerns.


in spite of them, I actually did enjoy the book. Not all the time but it's still there. I don’t know why but maybe it’s my love of the series as a whole more than anything. This series had grown on me. Stephenie Meyer may not be a C.S. Lewis or a J.K Rowling but she has her own way with words. Sure I got frustrated in some parts but that doesn’t change the fact that the author has this thing in her (maybe it’s a vampy or wolfy thing, perhaps both :P) that had me glued to the series in the first place. So, all things considered, it was nevertheless a pleasurable read. I had nothing against how things turned out in the end. I was genuinely satisfied that although it didn't end up having a huge, drawn out battle of bloodshed (not that I wanted that), SM still was able to evoke the appropriate emotions out me: excitement, anxiety, humor and romance all combined. The way I cringed on my seat, wanted to fast forward the pages and worried over my favorite characters, for me, that's climactic enough. So...when everything pieced was lovely.

Besides, happy endings are still healthy once in a while,
oui? Oui.

1 comment:

d[-_-]b said...

speaking of acads, i hate the fact that tomorrow is monday, then before we knew it.. hell week is still around the corner..

grrrrrr ^,..,^