Saturday, April 25, 2009

I don't mean to be crappy

I'm in this tragic phase wherein everything I write is crap. Not that I haven’t been writing crap before, but I think I write crap now more than I ever did in the past. And in my logic, that makes me a crappy person.

Really, there are a lot of not-crappy things happening to me lately. So, it makes me wonder how come I still can’t find something not-crappy to write about even if, as I’ve said, I have too many not-crappy happenings to choose from.

Oh crap, I wish I’m not this crappy person, who writes crappily.

At any crappy rate, I think, deep down, I really know the reasoning behind this new crappy me. Here’s the thing: it's not solely about me being crappy, but me being lazy. I complain about crappy writing but the truth is it's majorly that way because of my lazy thinking. The more I become lazy, the more I become crappy. I write crappily because I think lazily. So you see, I'm crappy because I'm lazy. I can be not-crappy if only I choose to be not-lazy. Ergo, if only I can get pass the sodding laziness, I’m pretty certain I can get rid of the sodding crappiness.

Until then, bear with me, please do.

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