Friday, June 6, 2008

Jollibee or McDo?

Have I told you before that my favorite food in the whole wide world is french fries? No? Well, it is! Passing by at Jollibee or McDonald's to grab a chow of fries is a definite must for me. Although if possible, I prefer the Jollibee fries a whole lot better than that of McDonald’s. I’m such a fries-obsessed parasite (and putting the it’s-a-matter-of-preference-crap aside), take it from the master when she says that the potato strips of Jollibee are waaay tastier and crispier, yes. (Jollibee should really pay me for this advertisement).

Even McDonald’s hash brown, I don’t really see what’s with the big fuss because I honestly am not digging it. (lol, peace, don't sue me).

I remember this one time when my friend called for a McDo delivery (it was our last resort since the Jollibee hotline was busy). After ten years, the delivery guy brought us the lankiest and pastiest fries that ever existed!…boy, I’m telling you it was daylight poisoning!

bad bad bad bad me.

You see here in our country, Jollibee and McDo have this bit of rivalry going on. Their branches are always one after the other that when you see a McDonald's in a certain area, I would bet all of my fictional savings that Jollibee is not more than twenty feet away. They’re two sneaky bastards that wouldn’t let each other out of their sights for fear of one outselling the other. Lovely…just lovely.

Anyway, I’m eating french fries right now as I type. My mom was kind enough to buy me my usual two large fries and a coke for snacks. Nice lady, my mom, haha. She always makes it a point to get me my fave every time she drives downtown.

P.S. If it’s any consolation to Ronald McDonald, I worshippp his orange juice ;p

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